Couple's Portrait Pose Ideas

Couples often take a series of colourful or imaginative photos together to commemorate a special moment in their lives. Whether it is a photo shoot for an engagement, wedding or even prior to the birth of a baby, there are many creative ways that a couple can pose, creating a memorable photographic record of that special time in their lives.

Neighborhood Parks

A city park provides an ideal backdrop for a casual photo. The couple can sit on a park bench holding hands or spoon on the grass at the base of a tree. Alternatively, take fun photos on playground equipment if it is available. Couples can pose sitting on swings (or with the woman sitting on the man's lap in the swing or with the woman sitting in the swing and the man close behind her as he grips the swing's chain), embracing at the bottom of a slide or lying together on a merry-go-round.

Favorite Spots around the Neighborhood

Take photos at the couple's hot spots, displaying their daily habits. Pose standing outside a coffee shop, sharing a smile and a cup of coffee. Alternatively, the couple can sit at a corner booth of their usual restaurant, feeding each other and sharing a laugh. Take pictures at places where you are regular visitors, like standing on the steps of your church or meditating together in silence. Depending on the location you choose, ask permission from the business owner or pastor before taking pictures.

Around the House

Photo shoots can often look staged, taking away the feeling of spontaneity. If couples want photos that capture their essence, find places that capture the couple in familiar territory. Holding hands sitting on the couch, embracing in the kitchen or a fun pose where the couple sits on the washer and dryer are all ways to capture the couple where they feel at ease and comfortable. This photograph will capture the couple and give a glimpse at what their home life was like.

Favorite Places

To incorporate a couple's hobbies in the photo shoot, pose in a place that represents the couple's favorite pastime. If the couple likes sports, they could pose at a football field under a goalpost or on a baseball diamond at home plate. Alternatively, photographing the couple standing in the "cheap seats" section during a baseball game can bring action and excitement to the photo. Pose them with their backs to the game so the frame can capture a tremendous depth of field, taking in the couple -- as the primary subject -- along with a surrounding stadium of spectators and some of the game itself.
Here you can find even more family picture ideas 

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